MetriXfocus | Paid Search

“Search identifies individuals who are raising their hands & asking specifically for what you have to offer.”
Dominic J. Acello
Search Marketing allows for us to target an audience with extreme precision and gauge the success of our efforts in real time.
We partner with all the top search engines including:

- Problem -
Over the past few years, the world of marketing has made a significant shift toward accountability.
-Solution -
MetriXfocus targets their efforts with 3 core fundamentals:
Pay-Per- Click (PPC) Management
Every relationship begins with a knowledge transfer session so our account management team fully
understands our clients’ business model and overall online objective.
To effectively improve performance for our clients, MetriXfocus will:
Create a keyword/campaign structure that promotes our clients’ overall goals. We review:
- Previous search history
- Competitor placements
- Client offerings
- Budget allocation
Create user segmentation profiles via
- User geography
- User demographic
- User conversion trends
- Time of day
- Day of week
Analyze landing page
- MetriXfocus can create and test multiple landing pages to help find the highest converting layout.
This process is vital in increasing profits on highly competitive terms.
Advanced tracking
- Understanding how marketing affects your overall business is of the highest importance. Most
advertisers have multiple conversion points including:
o Online sale or lead
o Newsletter requests
o Phone Calls
o Walk-in traffic
o Etc.
MetriXfocus deploys advanced strategies that enable them to track each specific conversion point. With most clients today, their call center typically represents 10%-30% of overall sales; having visibility to see what marketing efforts are driving phone calls is imperative. MetriXfocus’s call tracking solution enables them to see exactly what engines, campaigns, and even keywords are driving offline calls.
These efforts, coupled with our advanced tracking solutions, enable our team to achieve campaign
efficiency gains of 10% to 20%!
2. Maximizing Site Convertibility
As the search marketing arena becomes more and more competitive, the highest converting site
owns a significant advantage. MetriXfocus understands the importance of site convertibility and
offers a full service analytics solution that works in conjunction with our search efforts to help our
clients get the most out of their online expenditures.
By analyzing user behavior, shopping cart flow, and even user software capabilities we can help our
clients present their offerings in the most effective manner promoting higher conversion rates and
furthermore, sales.
3. Maximizing Overall Customer Value
Cross selling and up selling your customer base has become increasingly important over the years.
If you can apply tactics to help increase the net profit derived by each sale, you can effectively
become more aggressive online, yield more sales, and overall corporate profits. MetriXfocus helps
our clients identify these opportunities and successfully implement them allowing for greater gains
and returns through search.